How to remove candle wax from your clothes?
Sometimes accidents happen and you’ll get a little bit of candle wax on your clothes.Fortunately, we know how to remove candle wax from your clothes and it’s easier than you think. Especially when it’s one of our rapeseed wax candles. We have some easy tips to get your clothes stain-free again.
Define the type of wax
It’s important to know what type of wax caused the stain. This is important because if it’s a natural wax like rapeseed wax, you can just put your clothes in the washing machine and wash it at a slightly higher temperature than your used to. We always advice washing your stained clothes on at least 60 degrees Celsius, works everytime. Is the stain made of another type of wax? Than you can use the tips below.
Freeze the stain
When you’re putting your clothes in the freezer you will harden the stain. This will make it easier to remove most of the candle wax from your clothes. You can just break off the hardened wax with your hands or a blunt knife. This will remove most of the wax. If there’s any wax left you can go to step 2:

Use an iron and absorbent paper
To remove wax that is leftover on your clothes you can use an iron and absorbent paper like paper towels. Put the paper towel on the stain and iron over the paper (on a low temperature!). The wax will be absorbed by the paper. You might need to repeat this a few times before all the wax is gone.
Wash your clothes
After removing the stain you might still have to wash your clothes to remove the last of the oily residue that is left. After washing your clothes will be good as new. So now you know how to remove candle wax from your clothes, there’s no reason to not buy some nice new candles.
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